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This is a place where my thoughts are gathered. Most of the writings here are just edited and enhanced versions from my personal notes. This website is heavily inspired by the book Show Your Work.

All writings are based on my own thoughts, reflections, experiences and contemplations. They may be right, wrong or in between. They are susceptible to change at any moment’s notice. I pride myself in being blessed with free thought and skepticism.

I read and learn from broad fields which allows me to draw and combine different elements where they wouldn’t usually be found together. I also like to go through the discovery processes for myself. Hence you may find some writings which are already well known and accepted mentioned as if they were original. You may also find some writings which conflict heavily with well accepted ideas. My motives with all remain the same. To genuinely distribute writings that reflect my thought process regarding a topic.

My publications are free spirited. They are not limited by limits. Some may be pages long while some may not even complete a sentence. Some may be structured well. Some may look like the writings of a mad man. Some may be puzzles that need to be combined with other writings to complete. And finally, some may be opened and left there. In the end, I will write what has seduced my intellect.

Note: I’m a thinker. I love to reflect and think. I’m not interested in empirical research. I will never knowingly not reference someone’s work. If I share a piece of work similar to something already out there. Then that piece has not crossed my direction. Finally, please don’t take anything I say as facts. They’re only opinions of mine. What I say today is different from what I think tomorrow.